Contents show
Pindaris War (1816 -1818)
- Pindaris were a plundering group of Rajputana and Central Provinces
- They were not belonged to any particular caste or creed both Hindus and Muslims were in this group.
- When Company disbanded Army through Subsidiary Alliance Treat many soldiers were joined this group.
- By the end of 1818 the Pindaris were completely suppressed.
Suppression of Thugs
- The gang of Robbers in Central India who were robbed & kill the travelers in the name of Goddess Kali.
- The numbers of Thugs were increased during 18th
- Bentinck created separate department under Colonel William Sleeman in 1830 to eradicate Thugs.
- After 5 years, 3000 thugs were captured and many were exterminated & transported to Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- Sleeman called as “Thugee Sleeman”.
Introduction of Railway
- There were three reasons to develop Railway in India.
- Commercial
- Administrative
- Defense (helpful during 1857)
- In 1853 he formulated his own “Railway Policy” for future.
- He started “Guarantee System” in which Railway Company’s was guaranteed minimum 5% interest on their investment and after ending of contract period Government retained the rights.
- 1st Railway line was constructed in 1853 between Bombay and Thane.
- In 1855 rail line constructed between Howrah and Ranikanj.
- In 1856 rail line constructed between Madras and Arakonam.
- So Dalhousie known as “Father of India Railway”.
- Telegraph offices were setup throughout the country.
- 1852 – O’ Shangnessy was appointed as the superintendent of Telegraph Department
- Calcutta, Peshawar, Bombay & Madras were telegraphically connected.
- This communication system was very helpful during 1857 mutiny to send the information and help to suppress the Mutiny.
- So Lord Dalhousie is known as “Father of Indian Telegraph”.
- Telegraph service was abolished at 2013 in India.
Postal Reforms
- Post offices were setup throughout the country.
- In 1854 new Post Office Act was passed by Lord Dalhousie.
- He appointed Director General to supervise postal service.
- Introduced Uniform Postage Services across in India.
- Postal stamp system was introduced.
- Introduced ½ Anna (3 Paisa) Postal System.
- Hence he known as the “Maker of Modern India”.
- In 1850 he left India and in 1860 he died.