Write a short note about the Indian Medical Association demands on· New Health Scheme.(ACF 2018)

  • The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has made a number of demands on the new health scheme, including:
  • Adequate funding: The IMA has demanded that the government allocate sufficient funds to the new health scheme to ensure that it is properly implemented and that all citizens have access to quality healthcare.
  • Universal coverage: The IMA has demanded that the new health scheme be universal, covering all citizens of India, regardless of their income or social status.
  • Public-private partnership: The IMA has suggested that the new health scheme should involve a public-private partnership, with the government playing a regulatory role and the private sector providing services.
  • Empowerment of doctors: The IMA has demanded that doctors be given more autonomy in the new health scheme, so that they can provide the best possible care to their patients.
  • Quality assurance: The IMA has demanded that there be a system of quality assurance in place to ensure that the new health scheme meets the needs of patients.

The IMA has also expressed concerns about the following issues:

  • The exclusion of certain diseases from the scheme: The IMA has expressed concern that certain diseases, such as mental illness and cancer, have been excluded from the scheme.
  • The lack of clarity on the pricing of services: The IMA has also expressed concern about the lack of clarity on the pricing of services under the scheme.
  • The lack of a grievance redressal mechanism: The IMA has also demanded that there be a grievance redressal mechanism in place to address any complaints that patients may have about the scheme.

The IMA has also suggested a number of measures to improve the new health scheme, including:

  • Increasing the number of public hospitals: The IMA has suggested that the government increase the number of public hospitals to ensure that there is adequate healthcare infrastructure in place.
  • Improving the quality of medical education: The IMA has also suggested that the government improve the quality of medical education to ensure that doctors are equipped to provide quality care.
  • Promoting preventive healthcare: The IMA has also suggested that the government promote preventive healthcare to reduce the burden of disease on the healthcare system.

The IMA’s demands and suggestions are important to consider as the government finalizes the details of the new health scheme. The scheme has the potential to improve access to healthcare for millions of Indians, but it is important to ensure that it is implemented in a way that meets the needs of patients and doctors alike.

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