The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project
- The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP), implemented by the Health and Family Welfare Department (Government of Tamilnadu
- It lends its support to the Health Policy of 2003 and focuses on improving the health status of people belonging to the lower socio-economic strata.
- New approaches to address non-communicable diseases, addressing the health needs of the tribals and partnerships with the NGOs form the core of this project.
- The Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project will assist in fulfilling the aims of the Health Policy through the following interventions
- Increased access of health services for poor, disadvantaged, and tribal groups
- Developing effective interventions to address key health challenges
- Improving health outcomes and quality of service by strengthening management of the public sector health systems and by involving the non-governmental sector
- Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the public sector hospital services at the district and sub-district levels
The TNHSP is structured on the following themes:
- Child health
- Indigenous peoples
- Health system performance
- Population and reproductive health
- Injuries and non-communicable diseases
The World Bank and TNHSP
- In 2005, the World Bank approved the Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project for a total cost of Rs. 597.15 crores.
- The World Bank’s involvement in the project has been extremely advantageous.
- It has helped in introducing new approaches in the way the health sector functions in the State.
- While the health system in Tamil Nadu has been fairly effective in providing basic health needs to its people, it is expected that the goals sought in the project will demonstrate the impact of cutting-edge reforms.
- Among other goals, the TNHSP addresses two Millenium Development Goals (MDG), namely reducing child mortality and improving maternal health.